Shawbrook Residential: Light Made You A Slave

"Light and shadow constantly meet in our everyday. This project explores their visceral codependency through dance and poetry."

A project by Lacrima Asteria Dance Company, founded by freelance dancer and choreographer Lara Fournier, in collaboration with myself, developed at Shawbrook Residential (August 2022).

I'll never thank you enough @fournier_lara for inviting me on your artist residency @shawbrookresidential πŸ₯€πŸ©ΈπŸ–€πŸ•³ The purest creative experience I've lived in a long time. To get to share it with my sister of blood and soul was beyond words. We're up for a long and promising artistic collaboration!

The loudest and most sincere thank you to @catharina.louw and Philip for their warmest hospitality, most honest advice and wonderful support. We'll be forever be carrying Shawbrook in our hearts, and spreading its mystical and healing energies around.


It's through experiences like this one that I get reminded how precious life and human beings can be. The hardest times fade away when creativity starts leading the way. Art is a precious tool to express and filter, if not exhale, these temporary periods of darkness. I'm not preaching here, just exhilarating with joy and gratitude for art to be so strongly anchored in my life. And I wish for all of you to experience it, at least, once in your life. Just dare and be wild. To those who will judge you for it, maybe ask them if they ever had the balls to do it themselves. I doubt it... +


Unpolished Magazine Print: Will You Take Care of Me?


Lacrima Asteria Dance Company: Worldess Speech on Skin, Bones & Heart